The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1: review & nail art

On November the 20th The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 was released in the cinemas, and it’s safe to say I was pretty excited about it!

I am a huge Hunger Games geek and I finally g0t the chance to see newest movie this month. Here is a short intro about what the Mockingjay Part 1 was about:

‘After Katniss destroys the games, she goes to District 13 after District 12 is destroyed. She meets President Coin who convinces her to be the symbol of rebellion, while trying to save Peeta from the Capitol.’

The Hunger Games inspired nail art.

The Hunger Games inspired nail art.

The film inspired me to design my own Hunger Games inspired nail art. So for this design I made it as simple as I could, by just drawing the Mockingjay pin, adding glitter and a bit of fire.

It was definitely worth the wait and had me hooked as soon as it started.

The action packed thriller exceeded all of my expectations and unlike Catching Fire and the original movie,  Mockingjay  Part 1 focused more on the revolution and the rebellion against the capitol. There was no actual games, and I thought it was a really good change.

I was a little disappointed in Effie Trinkets costumes after the last two movies. I have absolutely loved the unusual costumes and in this film she was stripped of her wigs and outrageous outfits.

The Hunger Games Mocking Jay Part 1 cinema poster.

The Hunger Games Mocking Jay Part 1 cinema poster.

For me the best part about these three films is how unique they are to any other movie. There is rebellion, new technology and alternative clothing and different ways of transport. When you are watching this movie it feels like you are looking at what future technology might be like.

Aswell as the action and more explosive scenes, there was also much more calmer scenes were Katniss Everdeen aka Jennifer Lawrence sang a really catchy song. This song has now became number 1 on the iTunes chart in 37 countries across the world. The haunting tune ‘The Hanging Tree‘ has become so popular that it is now outselling Lorde’s soundtrack, which she recorded for this film.

To me this film was one of those movies you just didn’t want to end, and I am really looking forward to Part 2. 

For those of you who haven’t seen Mockingjay Part 1 yet, here is the trailer:

Olaf nail art

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From the popular Disney movie ‘Frozen’ I decided to design a cute little set of Olaf inspired nails.

Instead of focusing on the Disney princesses I decided to draw the snowman, while having the catchy song ‘Do you want to build a snowman’ stuck in my head for a long while!

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Olaf nail tutorial.

This design was really fun to do and it involved a lot of glitter, which looks really cute until you have to take it off and it sticks to your nails for days! If you are doing this design you don’t have to use the glitter I just thought it looked Christmassy.

I used nail art pens to draw Olaf, you can buy these online. I would suggest looking on eBay because its cheaper than other sites.

Once you have all the proper equipment drawing the snowman will be really easy as long as you follow the step by step guide and have patience.

This nail design would look really nice around Christmas time and I will definitely be doing more Frozen inspired nails around that time.

If you would like to see more iconic Disney movie nails please leave a comment and let me know what your favourite Disney film is.






Welcome to my nail art blog which will feature nails inspired by iconic movies, music, books etc.

From iconic disney films to marvel movies, famous musicians and even well-known books there is no limitation on nail art. Because every idea can be turned into something great. Even though I am open to suggestions on what nails you would like to see posted, I will be designing nails from the type of movies, music etc. that I think are iconic.

If you have any suggestions on what type of nails I should design next please leave a comment it would be really helpful!

Marvel inspired nail wheel.

Marvel inspired nail wheel.

Disney inspired nail wheel.

Disney inspired nail wheel.

Lion King sunset silhouette nail art.

Lion King sunset silhouette nail art.

Despicable Me minion accent nail.

Despicable Me minion accent nail.